6 Things That Belong in Your Summer Vacation Suitcase

Summer is upon us — that means warmer weather, longer days, and hopefully more time to relax. There’s a high chance you’ll be getting the itch to plan trips very soon.

Whether you’re planning small weekend getaways or longer excursions, being prepared is always a good thing. No matter where you’re going, here are six things that belong in your summer vacation suitcase.

1. Medications and Supplements

No matter the destination, your essential medications and supplements should always travel with you. The last thing you need on a vacation that’s supposed to be relaxing is to fall out of your routine. Forgetting your essential medications could make you feel anxious or worried, and missing some meds might cause unpleasant symptoms.

If your summer schedule is jam-packed, it can be difficult to remember everything. Even if it’s an important medication, you might forget to get a refill in time for vacation. Fortunately, nowadays lots of medications can be shipped. For example, online birth control, available to patients without visiting a doctor in person, can be shipped to your home.

2. Cute Closet Staples

The nice thing about closet staples? They can be worn again and again and be used to create so many different outfits. Half the fun of a summer vacation is styling fun new outfits, so make sure you have the basics with you. Based on today’s hottest trends, here are a few items you might want to have handy:

  • Platform sandals
  • Shoes for walking or hiking
  • Flowy sundresses
  • Comfy tank tops in versatile neutral colors
  • A few quality pairs of jean shorts
  • Cute athleisure wear (joggers, light jackets, biker shorts)

With enough staple pieces in your wardrobe, packing won’t require as much thought. And you can focus on what really matters — the fun vacation ahead of you.

3. Summer Skincare Essentials

Summertime usually means more time in the sun, so it’s time to break out the summer skincare essentials. When packing for vacation, don’t forget to bring sunscreen for your face and body, as well as a lip balm with SPF. Additionally, a lotion with aloe vera may not be a bad idea in case you need to soothe a sunburn.

Beyond sunscreens and lotions, you should also consider switching up your skincare routine for the hot days of summer. Serums are a must — they’re great for hydration and repairing the skin barrier. Also, add a gentle cleanser and an exfoliator to your summer routine. Use the exfoliator no more than three days per week. Last but not least, for days when you want a little coverage for your face, invest in a tinted moisturizer with SPF.

4. On-the-Go Drinks and Snacks

One thing that might slip your mind when packing for vacations is the need for snacks. Sure, eating out is normal during a trip. But what happens when you randomly get really hungry? In an unfamiliar town, finding food you like — or your favorite beverage — can be a challenge. And oftentimes, eating out isn’t an option depending on the itinerary for the day.

So plan ahead and pack snacks and drinks for vacation. Not only is it an opportunity for you to be extra prepared, but it’s also an opportunity to be healthier. If you start figuring out which summer snacks you like now, you can purposefully pack healthier without much extra thought. This will help you stay on track with your health goals while on the go this summer.

5. Forms of Entertainment

Even on an exciting vacation, we all need time to kick back and relax. Whether this means scrolling through news or social media on your phone, reading a book, or watching a TV show, make sure you’re prepared. Maybe you even want to bring board games or cards to play during your downtime. Whatever the case may be, plan what to pack in advance.

For example, if your phone’s your favorite form of entertainment, make sure you have a phone charger, waterproof case, headphones, and an external speaker. Think of anything else you might need to use your phone for pictures, listening to music, or reading an e-book.

6. A Backpack or Shoulder Bag

Summer vacations usually involve quite a bit of activity. While some activities are more strenuous than others, it’s always nice to be comfortable. It’s going to be hot outside. Whether you’re hiking or shopping, you definitely don’t want to be lugging around a giant bag.

For summer trips, purchase a small backpack or shoulder bag. When it comes to all-day excursions in the summer heat, smaller is always better. This is the time to be a minimalist and only pack what you need — your shoulders will thank you later.

Planning summer vacations is always fun, but packing for them is another challenge entirely. Make a list of summer vacation essentials that you can double-check as you head out the door. Preparing for trips might seem like a daunting task, but the sooner you prepare, the less stressed you’ll feel. Once you nail down the essentials and figure out what belongs in your summer suitcase, it’ll make packing a breeze!