How to Keep Your House Warm this Winter

As the temperature starts to significantly drop outside, you may notice that your house is also starting to become much cooler, which can become uncomfortable. Your first option is to switch on the heating and leave it on throughout the day, but this can cause you to spend a ridiculous amount of cash on your energy bills as well as increasing your carbon footprint, which can cause detrimental impacts on the environment. In this guide, we’re going to give you some useful tactics on how to keep your house warm this winter without having to spend a fortune:

  • Shut your curtains

Keeping your windows closed will stop any unwanted drafts from getting in, even if it is bright and sunny outside, it will still be cold. If your windows are older and need repairing, investing in thicker curtains will help to keep drafts out.

  • Replace your roof

Did you know that 25% of heat from the home is lost through the roof? With this in mind, you must take certain measures to reduce heat loss from this section of the home. It’s easy for heat to escape through gaps and cracks in the roof caused by missing tiles and cold air has an access point to infiltrate through. Suppose you notice that your home is unusually chilly despite taking the necessary precautions. In that case, you may need to hire a roofing contractor from Rock Solid Exteriors who may recommend a roof replacement. It’s also important to insulate your loft, and this should carry out its job for at least 50 years before it needs to be replaced, so it is well worth the investment.

  • Check the radiators

When the heating is switched on, you may feel like there is no heat coming out of your radiators – but there may be one simple reason for it. Is there bulky furniture placed directly in front of your radiators? If so, you may need to move them away, as this can cause of blockage of heat, which means you’ll be spending unnecessarily on energy bills.

  • Block out the draughts

It’s easy for heat to escape through gaps around your doors and windows, but there are a few DIY methods to consider which could save you a significant amount on energy bills and keep yourhome warmer for longer. You could create your very own draft excluders for exterior doors or even install seals around doors and windows to reduce drafts and prevent heat seeping through the smallest of gaps.

  • Use timers on your central heating

If you’re someone who refuses to put on the heating to prevent spending on heating bills, you may constantly be waking up and going to bed in a cold home. However, this is where the use of timers can be beneficial. Youcanset the timer to switch on the heating just when you need it (such as 30 minutes before you wake up or get home from work) so that the heating isn’t running constantly.