Use Ketomac Dandruff Shampoo To Ensure Healthy Hair

Hair forms an important part of one’s personality. A healthy and flowing hair doesn’t just give a better appearance but it enhances self-confidence too. But, in the growing pollution levels, the health of hair takes a beating. Hence, it becomes very important to take good care of your hair. Good care not just means cleaning and grooming of hair, but having an informed choice about your hair products too. In this article, we shall discuss choosing a good anti-dandruff shampoo against dandruff and consequent hair fall.

Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo

Dandruff, in general, is a very common hair scalp problem. Secondly, the growing pollution causes a lot of issues. It brings dryness and hair fall issues. However, excessive moisture results in dirty and greasy hair too. In case there is a dandruff problem also, then in the presence of moisture, dandruff tends to become damp and greasy and increases hair problems further. To tackle these problems, you can use Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo. It is very effective against dandruff. Also, Ketomac shampoo price in India is quite economical which makes it quite a popular choice.

Ingredients and mechanism

Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo consists of Ketoconazole IP 2% w/v in a shampoo base. Ketoconazole is a chosen drug to tackle dandruff. It is very effective on dandruff but works gently on the hair. Ketoconazole focusses on the causative fungus i.e P.ovale and neutralizes it. This happens when the drug starts damaging the cell wall of the fungus and with the weak cell wall, it slowly ceases to survive.


Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo can be freely applied on regular hair, as well as colored hair, dyed hair, and hair groomed with fixers and gel too. The method to adopt is to apply it on the scalp and wet hair. It should be left like this for almost 5 minutes and then the hair shall be rinsed. Initially, for the first four weeks, it shall be used twice a week. After the dandruff problem is solved, it shall be used once a week to restrict the dandruff recurrence.


Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo has many benefits, which makes it very popular among its consumers. Some of the benefits are mentioned below.

  • It helps to remove dandruff almost completely.
  • Significant dandruff clearance can be observed in the first wash itself.
  • It restricts dandruff recurrence.
  • It is easily available at all major pharmacies.
  • Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo price is quite affordable.


Hair fall and dandruff is quite common ailments and people are always in search of good hair products to tackle these problems. Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo is quite popular among the customers due to its effective action on dandruff, right from the first wash. With proper usage, it can result in almost complete removal of dandruff. Future recurrences can also be avoided by regular use of this shampoo, once a week. It is easily available at major pharmacies across India and is quite affordable too.

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