Top 7 tools to decode URL

URL decoding is a process involving the inverse of the URL encoding process. It is mainly utilized to analyze query strings or the path parameter passed in URLs. It converts a string or the URL into a valid URL format which is known as URL encoding. Such a process also decodes HTML form parameters, which are submitted with the “application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME” format. There are many tools available that help to decode URLs, and the present blog will present comprehensive information on such top tools to decode URLs. However, before digging into the URL decoding tools, it is important to have a broader picture of them. 

It is known that URLs only have a limited set of characters from the US-ASCII character set. Such type of characters has alphabets (A-Z a-z), dot (.), underscore (_), Digits (0-9), hyphen (-), and tilde (~). The characters outside the allowed set are encoded with the use of the percent-encoding. 

This is the reason why it is important to decode query strings or path parameters passed in URLs to retrieve actual values. This article list down the top 7 free online URL decoders.

Working on the URL decoding 

There are some sets of rules required to be followed for decoding the query strings, HTML forms parameters, and path parameters. Some of them are as follows: 

  • The alphabet characters- a – z, A – Z, and numerical 0-9 are constant. 
  • Safe characters, including the -, _, ~, and ~ remained constant.
  • The sequence of the form %xy is known as bytes, where xy is the 2-digit hexadecimal representation of the 8 bits.  
  • The strings containing more than one of the above byte sequences consecutively are substituted by characters whose encoding shows the outcome in such consecutive bytes. 

Here are a few examples of URL decoding which will give you better ideas. Please note the encoded characters and their meaning on the decoded string may vary with different tools.

Encoded string  Decoded character 
%20 space
%25 %
%2B +
%40 @
%3F ?
%26 &

Process of URL decoding 

Almost all web programming languages provide the function of URL decoding. It involves considering the encoded string as input and providing decoded strings as output. The commonly used programming languages are PHP URL decoding, Python URL decoding, and Javascript URL decoding. 

Here is an example of URL decoding: 

Input URL encoded string: Hello+World+-+How+are+you%3F

Output URL decoded plain string will be: Hello World – How are you? 

You can note here that decoded output string “+” is converted into space; while other non-ASCI characters are converted into asci characters.

URL Decode Online by LambdaTest 

LambdaTest is the cloud-based cross-browser testing platform that lets you perform manual and automation testing of web and mobile apps across 3000+ browsers, devices and OS combinations. It also offers free online tools that offers a URL decoding tool known as URL-Decode. It decodes the web addresses from ASCII to a format which are easily readable by human. In such a tool, you can perform URL decoding, which is the inverse of URL encoding, which allows the transformation of a URL having special characters into one which does not have such characters. LambdTest ‘s URL decoding tools make the address easier to read. 

The use of such tools is easy to fix the URL having hash symbol and pound signs. For example, if there is a pound sign within the URL, the decoding will remove the pound sign. Hence, making the URL readable for people and search engines. 

The working of the URL Decode tool in LambdaTest converts the HTML character into standard URLs, which are used for links on a page. It is mainly assisted in building websites with HTML and needs to share an address without showing a special character in the web address. 

Below is an example of a URL Decode tool by LambdaTest. 


URLDecoder is another most used online tool for decoding URLs. It helps in automatically decoding the URL in real-time by just typing or pasting the URL encoded string in the input area. This tool also helps in analyzing the wrong or invalid URL encoded strings, as when such a URL is pasted, the input area will turn red, and the output area will be cleared. 

URLDecoder tool works on some assumptions. For example, input is encoded with the use of the UTF-8 encoding scheme. The use of such a scheme is recommended by the world wide web consortium. It supports URL decoding in different languages like Ruby, Java, PHP, and Golang. 

Online URL Decoder by Aspose 

Aspose is an online platform on RESTful APIs to Create, Edit & Convert over 100 File Formats from any Language on any Platform. It provides an online URL Decoder tool that decodes URL data easily and quickly. It is free to use and does not require you to download any software. 

This tool provides URL decoding as the inverse process of encoding. It is needed to fetch the URL’s string representation prior to being encoded for manipulation, sending, and performing other functions. It also helps in decoding the query strings or path parameters passed in the URLs for retrieving actual values. 

The main features of these tools are

  • It can decode the URL at once 
  • You can work from any device 
  • It is safe and secure 
  • There are no limits or requirements for the registration and installation of software. 

Online URL Encode/Decode tool by PrePostSEO

The online encode and decode tool by PrePostSEO is another commonly used tool that gives you the result in a few seconds. Using this tool is easy; there is just need to paste the string of characters in the empty text field and hit the submit option. It will give you the decoded URL consistently with the direction of a uniform resource identifier.

It is free and secure to use with unlimited checks. With the use of the PrePostSEO provided decoding tool, it is easy to convert unlimited characters to ASCII code format. Thus, it allows adjustment of the codes in plain text and forms a clear format that is easy to identify. 

Online URL Encode Decode tool by SimpleTools

The online URL encode and decode tool by SimpleTool helps in decoding the unlimited URLs with advanced functions. The tool is helpful in escaping URLs online. It converts the given URL encoded strings into a normal URL format with the use of special characters. You just need to past the URL encoded text in the given area and get the decoded URL instantly. 

With the use of such tools, when the information is passed via URL, it is essential that strings use only specific allowed characters. Such allowed characters are alphabets, numerals, and some special characters with a particular meaning in the URL strings. It is essential that when characters require to be added in the URL, they should be encoded to avoid any problem while tripping of browser in order to locate the resources and pages you are searching for. 

URL Decoder by Code beautify  

URL decoding tool by Code beautify is easy to use tool for decoding URL parameters in plain and readable text. Here, you also just need to copy, paste and decode the strings. Some of the highlighting features of the such tool are as follows: 

  • It is a unique tool for decoding the URL with its parameters. 
  • It will save your time and assist in decoding the data link. 
  • With the use of a URL decoding tool, you can load the encoded URL for decoding. 
  • It works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

Some of the examples of URL decoding will give you a better understanding of the use of the tool: 

URL decoder by Small SEO Tools 

The online decoder tool is helpful when adding specific characters to the URL parameter. URL decoding works when it is required to know the email campaign and newsletter’s source. The Small SEO Tools have a free online decoding tool that works by adding strings of characters and text on the given space, followed by clicking on the decode button. It will instantly show the result. 

It also decodes the web addresses from the ASCII character set to a format that is easily readable by humans. Some of the highlighting features are as follows: 

  • It is safe and secure: The tool has secured communication to the servers with SSL encrypted https. After uploading the file and decoding the URL, the file is deleted automatically.
  • It is a free tool: There is no need to spend money to decode the URL. Additionally, it is a user-friendly tool. 


The present blog has given immense information on the top tool to decode URLs. Although, there are various tools available in the market which are helpful in decoding the URL into a human-readable format. However, the major concern associated is security issues. The above-explained tools are best to ensure the security of the data. Therefore, you can use any of the mentioned tools based on your requirement.