A Detailed Comparison Between Selenium Cypress And Puppeteer

Based on results from surveys and the same as last year – many companies do not have automated tests for end-to-end in their process of CI. We’re at the stage where the majority of companies are using unit tests but very few have automated end-to-end tests.

The majority of companies we surveyed (85 percent out of 284) use manual end-to-end testing in their process for releasing software. This results in software releases being considerably slower and susceptible to error. In the remaining 15 percent, the majority of those running E2E tests employ Selenium.

Many test automation projects as the majority of software projects do not succeed. This is a huge disappointment and we need to fix this. This is a good thing because it’s the current trend and the surge of innovation in the area of testing has a direct impact on the way we write code.

All About Automation Frameworks

Let’s get started with the fundamentals. The automation framework described in this article is a tool that can automatize your browser by replicating user actions, such as clicking.

There are two ways that automation frameworks execute the clicks as well as user action:

They are able to run JavaScript within the webpage ( dispatching events on the page).

They can make use of devtools, or the devtools protocols (or an equivalent protocol for other browsers that are not chrome) to run the browser’s commands “natively” using a privileged ability.

To cut a lengthy story shorter Most frameworks, like Selenium utilized the first route – but since it was inherently flawed and difficult to implement, they shifted to the second option.

There are lots of events that occur when you click. The initial debugger click becomes a natural operating system call:

a) Selenium

Utilizes the HTTP REST JSON protocol to send commands known as”WebDriver Protocol” ” WebDriver Protocol”. WebDriver is an open standard; this means that Selenium is a very flexible tool.

Selenium it is extremely easy to work with any language as well as whatever target system. Selenium can automate a large variety of browsers, including Internet Explorer, mobile browsers as well as mobile applications.

Since Selenium is an REST JSON API, it’s pretty simple to comprehend. Making a session is as simple as sending a POST request the /session address. Performing a click is just sending a POST request to /session/:session-id/:element-id/click.

Under the hood, the actual automation is executed through ChromeDriver (in Chrome) which is simply the web server. When ChromeDriver begins, it will connect via the debugger Chrome. Then, when the user performs a click it controls the debugger and performs a sequence of “mouse moved, mouse down, mouse up” (using the debugger command Input.dispatchMouseEvent).

WebDriver is an open standard, which means there’s a variety of grid options and various ways to increase the size of Selenium to perform thousands or hundreds of tests simultaneously.

Selenium is therefore able to stay clear of the traps that are JavaScript-automated events.

LambdaTest Selenium Automation Features

  1. Real desktop and mobile browsers [test on 3000+ real browsers]
  2. Supports all languages and frameworks
  3. Enterprise-ready tunnel for local testing
  4. End-to-end test execution logs for easy debugging
  5. Geolocation testing
  6. Detailed analytics and reporting of test runs

b) Cypress

Cypress can be described as the name of an E2E test framework. It is focused on trying to provide developers with a pleasant experience as well as an integrated environment. Cypress is an open-source project however, it’s not built on open standards such as WebDriver.

We analyzed Cypress to use internally, there were some standouts for us. By clicking in Cypress is similar to Selenium 1 (the predecessor to Selenium WebDriver) and dispatches DOM Events directly.

Additionally, the absence of support for multiple tabs and frames, as well as the lack of wait-fors within frames were also a problem for us. In actual use in the real world, Cypress was not as stable. Cypress suite was slower and less reliable than the two other alternatives.

Additionally, as the person who maintains the free library utilized by Cypress, I was tempted to love them. However, like the code of 2013 Cypress does not allow you to write standard JavaScript. This felt like a complete relic IMO in comparison with the Selenium driver which is the official one.

However, when we evaluated Cypress we liked the comprehensive documentation and the simple procedure.

LambdaTest Cypress Cloud Features

i) End-to-end Test Execution Logs

ii) Enterprise-ready LambdaTest Tunnel

iii) Easy NPM Packages to Install and Run

c) Puppeteer

Puppeteer is a well-known test automation software maintained by Google. It automatizes Chrome as well as Firefox. It’s relatively easy and reliable.

In essence, Puppeteer is an automation tool, not a tool for testing. This makes it extremely well-known for its use cases like scraping, creating PDFs, and so on.

Puppeteer utilizes similar debugger protocols that Selenium (well, ChromeDriver) utilizes to execute clicks, and, in actuality Puppeteer as well as Selenium each make use of the same code for making clicks.

Why LambdaTest for Puppeteer Test Execution?

i) 24*7 Support Team

ii) Zero Test Flakiness

iii) 120+ Integrations

iv) 50+ environments

How To Choose Between Selenium, Cypress and Puppeteer?

Be aware that this is only an overview of how to evaluate testing infrastructure. Whatever you decide to use in the event that you do not choose managed platforms, you’ll need to invest an enormous amount of time in testing your infrastructure (unsurprisingly and as with every or other projects in software development).

The most common error in testing automation projects that we encounter is that people don’t plan. They begin writing tests but end the project once the project becomes unmaintained. As we mentioned earlier, most automation projects for testing are unsuccessful and the majority of businesses perform manual testing.

If you do not want to utilize JavaScript you’re likely to be better with Selenium in the end. The number of communities and the size of the ecosystem of Java as well as Python support is significantly smaller for all frameworks that are not part of Selenium.

There are projects like JPuppeteer and puppeteer-sharp, but they are third-party and smaller than Selenium’s officially-licensed Selenium alternatives.

If you’d like to use JavaScript then you could combine Selenium as well as Puppeteer. It’s not possible to blend Playwright and Selenium in the present time.

Three of them are great options.

Make sure to remember that the process of creating a successful automation program will require more than just infrastructure. Consider automation as a software project. You shouldn’t write non-maintenance able front-end programming; don’t write tests or code that you cannot maintain).

Automation is on the rise with all kinds of new technologies. You could and should definitely get involved!

The tools listed are all open source. Join in and aid in making the next year’s benchmark all over. Automation is a subject with many trade-offs. Tools for testing automation differ from one another because of the date they were designed, the person the people who designed their goals, and the objectives they have set. There isn’t a universal, one-size-fits-all automation framework, and a lot of companies mix and match based on their needs and applications.


The final choice of which test platform to choose comes down to the features that are relevant to your application, and the test methodology which best fits your product.

Cypress and Selenium are evaluated by the value you attach to your experience testing. Even though Puppeteer is a well-known test automation software maintained by Google. It automatizes Chrome as well as Firefox. It’s relatively easy and reliable.

Cypress is a JavaScript-based application that provides testing for developers. It is a great alternative to Selenium.

Selenium is the most trusted and well-known testing platform and has a wide range of languages and browsers.

Whichever platform you pick, Puppeteer vs. Cypress or Selenium, Lambdatest works perfectly with all the cross-browser testing platforms. It provides continuous monitoring and support, in addition, to complete support.

Lambdatest lets developers and testers create high-quality applications quickly.

  1. Test coverage increased
  2. Parallel testing speeds up testing and faster test execution.
  3. Automation of tests that are automated, reliable and expandable.
  4. Continuous test security testing functional testing, and much more.

Perhaps, it’s your turn to pick the right cross-platform to run your product and accelerate the growth of your business.